Just as soon as...............
Four simple words that mean so much. Think of how many times you have used that phrase. Here are a few that come to mind:
I will have that dinner party JUST AS SOON AS I finish remodeling the dining room.
I will buy that pair of skinny jeans JUST AS SOON AS I lose those extra 10 pounds.
I will join the gym JUST AS SOON AS I get past the holidays.
I will learn to play golf JUST AS SOON AS I retire.

I'm going to have lunch with my friend JUST AS SOON AS I have time.
Let me tell you, my friends, that phrase - JUST AS SOON AS...... is often the most unfulfilled thing we do in our lives.
I am reminded of the article written by Erma Bombeck about 'if she had her life to live over, would she do anything different.' It's a great read and it emphasizes how short our lives really are and how it always looks different while looking back.
I am guilty of using that phrase many times in my life, but I've also pushed past it and it has made all the difference. For example, I always wanted a dog. Being single and an airline person made that a difficult proposition. After I married, Brad and I were on the same page with that, but I always thought we would do it JUST AS SOON AS we had more time. Being a two-person airline family that seemed pretty unlikely. And then September 11 happened and I realized how easily your life can change and we took the leap and brought Molly Brown into our lives. I have never been without a dog (or two) or a cat (or two) ever since!

I learned to play golf at the ripe old age of 44. I did it because my dad wanted a playing partner. I had always thought I would learn JUST AS SOON AS I retired and had more time. His persistence persuaded me to take that leap. Not only did I learn to play, I learned to play well and spent countless hours with my Dad because of it. Now that he is gone, I look back and am so grateful for that time together.

This past year has been a challenging one for me. I experienced a life-changing injury was just that. Life-changing. That phrase keeps ringing in my ears, JUST AS SOON AS....... “I'm going to run the space Coast half-marathon JUST AS SOON AS I have the time to train. I waited too long, I doubt I will ever be able to run again, let alone a half-marathon. And there were other things. This was a difficult lesson to learn but one I will not soon forget. I was fortunate that I was not injured more severely-- life truly is short and we should strive to make the most of every minute, every day.

January is upon us and as always, it is the month of new beginnings. The time of year we make all the plans, promises, and resolutions to go forward. The year 2020 is going to be a milestone for me. I will reach my 60th year and my little business will celebrate 10 years. Yee-ha! My resolution is to check myself whenever I hear myself using that phrase. There is no more JUST AS SOON AS....... That time is now!
Oh Bobbi, you’ve nailed it for me. That is something I say on a regular basis. You’ve reminded and inspired me to keep moving forward even if everything is not perfect. thanks for the reminder. Love you.
Beautifully said:) Cheers to being 60 (me in Dec.) and many more years of fun!
Bobbi, you are so right about that and I’m going to catch myself before I say it again! I too will be 60 this year and there is no time like the present! Happy New Year!
Bobbi, I had no idea about your injury, I hope you are healing. It seems that your outlook has only brightened. I know exactly what you mean. I’ve lost too many family members and friends to wait anymore. I take everyday as a new day to experience something wonderful and joyful. Looking forward to seeing you all again in the not too distant future, I hope!
Thanks for the words of encouragement! You’re so right, “just as soon as” is a phrase we should work on eliminating from our mindset. We only have one life! :)
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